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Sunday, June 19, 2011

University of Umea Sweden, Microbial pathogenesis in gut infections -

University of Umea Sweden, Microbial pathogenesis in gut infections
Studies in the lab deal with molecular mechanisms in bacterial gastrointestinal infections, from the view of both bacteria and host, using Yersinia pseudotuberculosis as model pathogen. The projects cover mechanisms of and effects of bacterial host cell interactions, systemic mechanisms during in vivo infections and potential practical applications in diagnosis and antibiotic resistance determinations. The focus of the postdoc project is the effect on and mechanism of the innate defense system, using infection in mice as model system.

The research is performed within the UmeƄ Centre for Microbial Research (UCMR) which also includes the newly founded Laboratory for Molecular Infection Medicine Sweden (MIMS), which belongs to The Nordic EMBL Partnership for Molecular Medicine and is established. UCMR provides an outstanding intellectual environment and access to a wide range of cutting edge technologies for furthering professional growth. For details visit the UCMR website (

A PhD in immunology, medical microbiology or related disciplines is required. Previous training and experience in work with mice, especially mouse infection models, immunological methods and molecular cloning methods are preferred. The candidate is expected to be highly motivated, and to have excellent skills in oral and written English, strong work ethics and critical thinking abilities.
Please send CV, bibliography and contact information of three references to Professor Maria Fallman (maria.fallman(at) ).

Contact: Maria Fallman
Molecular Biology
University of Umea
Employer’s Web Site: Visit employer’s website


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